
Post LinkedIn example: methods and tips



5 min.

May 2, 2024

Post LinkedIn example: methods and tips

Explore sample LinkedIn posts and discover effective methods and tips for improving your LinkedIn presence. Get practical tips for creating engaging and impactful LinkedIn posts.

Looking for inspiration to create a LinkedIn post that works?

Indeed, being present on LinkedIn is important for growing your network, highlighting your services or finding talent for your company.

And presence on LinkedIn largely involves creating posts.

However, sometimes you run out of ideas for creating a post that will hit the nail on the head and help you achieve your goals on LinkedIn.

So it's important to know what content to post.

Whether you're self-employed, looking for a job or in charge of LinkedIn publications for your company, this article is for you.

Ready to discover examples of LinkedIn posts as well as methods and tips to boost your publications and achieve your goals?

The importance of creating LinkedIn posts

First of all, let's take a look at the many reasons why you might want to publish content for LinkedIn.

LinkedIn is widely used by professionals.

In France alone, 1 in 3 professionals use LinkedIn every month.

Your motivations for creating a post can be diverse, and depend above all on the objectives you want to achieve.

Attract new customers with LinkedIn

As LinkedIn is the most widely used B2B social network in the world, finding customers on this platform is a goal for a large proportion of active users of this network.

If you're a freelancer, you could also find your next assignment on LinkedIn.

Find a job with LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a professional social network, but it's also a platform for finding work.

This figure alone shows the importance of LinkedIn in the job search: 6,000 people are hired every day thanks to LinkedIn.

Publishing content can therefore be a good strategy for finding a new hiring opportunity.

Attracting new employees to your company with LinkedIn

On the corporate side too, LinkedIn is important.

As we've just seen, LinkedIn is an ideal place to find new talent ready to join your company.

Many professionals are on the lookout for new career opportunities.

It's a good idea for a company to post regularly on LinkedIn to convey its values, its atmosphere and to be attractive enough to make people want to work with it.

Why post on LinkedIn?

In reality, there may be other motivations that lead you to post on LinkedIn.

You may want to get yourself known, gain notoriety, convert your prospects or just "exist on LinkedIn".

Your motivations can be varied.

LinkedIn post examples

Now that we've gone over the various reasons why you might want to create LinkedIn posts, let's look at some publishing examples.

We've listed here the most common examples of LinkedIn posts.

This will give you some initial inspiration for creating a post.

Sample LinkedIn post for a company

As I mentioned above, LinkedIn is a crucial network for businesses. The social network should be part of your overall communication strategy, especially if you're doing B2B.

Here are some examples of LinkedIn posts you can publish on LinkedIn.

Life in the office: sample post

Users love to know what goes on behind the scenes at companies.

Show how you work, highlight your brand image.

You can tell an anecdote, talk about a habit or a peculiarity of your company.

The important thing is to highlight the human side of your company.

Create a post for a company event

Are you organizing or participating in an event?

You can create a LinkedIn post to keep your audience up to date.

Don't hesitate to talk about your company's news.

Job offer: sample post

LinkedIn is also a platform for job hunting.

Indicate that you're looking for new employees to join your company.

Publish a LinkedIn post with the necessary information and encourage your audience to apply.

Talking about your product or services in a LinkedIn post

Publish a LinkedIn post to talk about what you do or what you sell.

You're bound to find prospects on LinkedIn or partners.

It's a good idea to get your name out there.

Company change (news announcement)

Don't hesitate to talk about your company's latest news on LinkedIn.

Are you releasing a new product? Are you changing your branding? Moving to new premises?

Talk about it.

Post LinkedIn's commitment to the environment and society

Users like brands that are committed.

Talk about the actions you've taken and the commitments you've made.

These LinkedIn posts generate a lot of engagement.

But be careful not to overdo it, and always keep it natural.

Customer testimonials

It's a good idea to post customer reviews on LinkedIn.

They'll tell people about your services and give them confidence in your expertise.

Introducing partners

Show who's working with you and build relationships.

Introduce your partners in an original way to highlight your brand image and company values.

Create a LinkedIn publication following an article in the press

Are you in the news?

You can take advantage of this opportunity to make a LinkedIn post.

This will increase your authority in the field and position your company as an expert in the field.

LinkedIn post: example for an entrepreneur

Creating publications on LinkedIn when you're an entrepreneur is a wise choice to achieve these goals.

Talk about your entrepreneurial life on LinkedIn

Use storytelling.

You can talk about your passions, your values, what drives you.

Create a LinkedIn post for a Blog article

If you have a blog, post on LinkedIn as soon as you've written a new article.

This will show your audience that you know what you're talking about, and allow you to go into more depth on a certain topic.

Share your working day on LinkedIn

Show what you do every day.

Create a LinkedIn post to tell an anecdote that happened to you or a habit you've implemented in your work process.

Publish infographics on LinkedIn

You can show off your expertise in the field while bringing value to your audience.

If your infographic allows it, break it up into several pages to make a carousel.

This is a type of publication that LinkedIn has been promoting lately.

Get your audience to interact with LinkedIn surveys

There are several advantages to creating LinkedIn polls.

First of all, it helps you better understand your users' needs.

But it's also a great way to get your audience to interact with your LinkedIn content.

LinkedIn Job Search Posting Ideas

When you're looking for a new job opportunity, you need to know how to stand out from the crowd.

Being active on LinkedIn by posting publications related to your field of expertise is a good strategy.

Let's take a look at a few examples of LinkedIn posts for job hunting.

Talk about current events in your field in a LinkedIn post

Keep yourself up to date. Show interest in your field.

Keeping up to date is important to show companies that you're interested in your subject.

Publish a LinkedIn post and give your point of view.

Create a publication about the tools you use

Talk about the software you work with.

Show that you've mastered the tools in your field.

You can create a LinkedIn post on a tool's specificity, on a particular manipulation or even make a tutorial.

Showcase your projects on LinkedIn

If you've done portfolios, projects, volunteering, this is a good opportunity to let the recruiter know.

Make a LinkedIn posting to briefly introduce your project and encourage interested people to find out more.

Celebrate your new position on LinkedIn

Just landed your new job?

Create a LinkedIn post to announce it to your audience.

These posts generate a lot of engagement.

Tips for boosting a LinkedIn post

There are many best practices that it's essential to put in place to increase the visibility of your LinkedIn post.

This will help you achieve your goals more quickly.

Define your content strategy for LinkedIn

Defining a content strategy is essential to achieving your goals on LinkedIn.

But why is it important?

Having a clear content strategy allows you to know where you're going, and to maintain consistency between publications.

Start by defining your objective, the audience you want to reach and the editorial line.

Take the time to put your content strategy in place: over the long term, it will increase the impact of your publications.

Need help defining your LinkedIn content strategy?

Don't hesitate to use Alara to help you with this step and support you in achieving your goals on LinkedIn.

Post on LinkedIn at the best time

Choosing the best time to post on LinkedIn is important for increasing the impact of your publication.

The first few hours will be decisive for your post.

The more your audience will interact with your post at the beginning, the more LinkedIn will highlight it.

So choose wisely the best time to post on LinkedIn.

Reply to comments under your LinkedIn post

Comments under your LinkedIn post are very important.

First of all, it allows your audience to interact with your publication to add elements, debate or whatever.

Above all, respond to every comment, even negative ones (unless they're not constructive).

This way, you'll build loyalty among your audience.

Secondly, a post with a lot of comments will send a positive signal to LinkedIn, which will share it more.

Understanding LinkedIn's algorithm to optimize your posts

LinkedIn's algorithm is constantly changing, and there are some best practices you can implement to boost your LinkedIn publications.

Keep up to date with the tips you need to put in place to increase the visibility of your posts.

Analyze LinkedIn publications that work

To go further and have performing LinkedIn posts, don't hesitate to find out what works best.

Replicate the success of your LinkedIn posts

If you've already published on LinkedIn, it's easy. All you have to do is analyze the posts, and reproduce the same recipe.

To do this, find the metric that seems most relevant to you, whether it's the number of views, the click-through rate or the number of profile visits following your post.

Go back to the publications that performed best.

Find out why the post performed well.

Reproduce and test.

Find the best posts from the competition

You can also draw inspiration from what users in your field are posting.

Try to understand what attracts your attention, what drives you to go and find out more about the products or services offered by this person.

This will enable you to better understand what works and apply it yourself.

Mistakes to avoid

While there are some good practices for creating a LinkedIn publication, there are also some to be avoided at all costs.

Indeed, doing so can harm the visibility of your LinkedIn post and may have consequences for the goals you're aiming for.

Here are the practices to avoid when publishing on LinkedIn.

Copy and paste

Copying existing publications word for word is pointless and counter-productive.

You don't add value, and you risk incurring the wrath of your audience.

Of course, you can get inspired by your competitors' LinkedIn posts.

But above all, stay authentic.

Don't spend your time selling yourself

There's nothing worse than someone who only talks about themselves. Don't be egocentric.

What's more, don't talk all the time about the services you offer or the products you sell.

Add value and interested people will come and see what you have to offer.

The outbound link trap

When creating a LinkedIn post, avoid outbound links if you can, i.e. links that send the user outside LinkedIn.

The social network wants to keep visitors on its platform as much as possible. It therefore has no interest in you taking users elsewhere.

This could penalize your LinkedIn publication.

One technique, which LinkedIn now takes into account, was to put the link as a comment on your post to be penalized less.

Alternatively, you can give your audience the link via private message or in reply to their comment under your LinkedIn post.

Why not publish via a company page?

Only in rare cases does it make sense to post on LinkedIn via a company page.

Your audience will prefer to follow the person(s) behind a company.

What's more, LinkedIn favors personal accounts over company accounts.

Your publication, if posted on your box page, will therefore have less impact.

Methods for a LinkedIn post that works

To go even further in creating a LinkedIn post, you can implement different strategies and methods to achieve your goals.

The AIDA method: example of a LinkedIn post

The AIDA method is used in marketing to engage users.

You can structure your LinkedIn posts using AIDA.

Let's take a look at the different steps.

A for Attention

You're not the only one creating publications on LinkedIn. So you need to stand out to attract attention.

Choosing the first sentence of your LinkedIn post is therefore the most important step. Write a catchphrase to appeal to the user.

I for Interest

To keep the user on your LinkedIn post, you need to keep their attention. You need to show that you understand their needs.

Talk about topics your audience can relate to.

D for desire

Here, show them that you meet what they're looking for.

A for action

And finally, encourage your audience to take action.

This could be commenting, visiting your website or responding to a form.

Creating LinkedIn posts with the TOFU-MOFU-BOFU method

The TOFU-MOFU-BOFU method is widely recommended as part of a content strategy, especially for LinkedIn.

The aim of this method is to accompany customers through the buying process, providing them with content tailored to the stage they are at.

TOFU-MOFU-BOFU is also known as the funnel method.

TOFU: Top of Funnel

In this first stage, the user is looking for information or an answer to a problem.

This is where you need to attract the most people.

The objective of TOFU is awareness.

Bring value to the user by creating a LinkedIn post on a topic related to your field.

MOFU: Middle of Funnel

Now the audience is more qualified.

The objective here is engagement.

At this stage, show that you have a good knowledge of your subject.

A LinkedIn publication on a more specific topic may be of interest.

BOFU: Bottom of Funnel

This is the last step.

All that's left are the users you need to convert into customers.

The aim is to fidelize them.

Here you show your expertise on the subject.

A LinkedIn post on a very specific topic with lots of added value is the best solution at this stage.

Post LinkedIn example: some questions

Want to create LinkedIn publications?

To take things a step further, here's some more information about LinkedIn posts.

How many characters for a LinkedIn publication?

The minimum number of characters for a LinkedIn publication is 25. You can write up to 3,000 characters on a LinkedIn post.

There is no ideal number of characters for a LinkedIn post.

It all depends on what you want to publish.

What's the difference between a LinkedIn post and a LinkedIn article?

Use a LinkedIn post when you want to talk about news or share information.

LinkedIn articles allow you to go deeper into a subject and show off your expertise.

LinkedIn posts have greater visibility, and LinkedIn articles are useful for medium- to long-term strategy.

How to share a LinkedIn post?

Want to get more visibility and share your LinkedIn post outside the network?

Press the share button at the bottom right of your post. You'll get a link that you can now share.

What format for an image on LinkedIn?

To publish an image on your LinkedIn post, the recommended size is 1200 x 1200 pixels.

The image should be no larger than 2 MB.

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